Feedback Forum
Feedback Forum - Sonia Chorlton, Emma Heaton Moor, Naomi Heaton Moor
Like the clean modern look, Clothes stand out. Would like a jewellery section because they get missed and you only look at it at the end of your shop, Show them better and show prices easily.
Like the fact that you don’t feel hounded, always asked if they are ok browsing which makes them feel comfortable. Happy to browse and come back when have time. Very friendly good service always feel happy to ask if need me. Trust our staff, they will say if something isn’t right.
Different but wearable, have a good formula, do find it comes in waves, sometimes there isn’t anything right for them but other times want everything. Up and down. Feel the product is classic and has longevity. Some feel they would only buy for an occasion, and wouldn’t buy every day pieces due to price. Good lengths on dresses now, they are below the knee and work for different ages. Would like to see bootcut jeans and different styles maybe monkee jeans.
What we could improve
Steam clothes, looks bad when things are creased. Put prices on FB and Instagram, takes too long to find the price out if it isn’t on there. Website is sometimes incorrect, when things are out of stock its annoying to go into it and it be wrong. Images take too long load. They need to be faster and it needs to move quickly, overall quite like the look of the website its simple.
What would you add
Preview nights, new brands, invite a select number of people, maybe just 20 for different brands and preview what’s coming in. A good loyalty programme that’s linked to purchases and offers. Gift bags at events. Have a what’s coming in section, for example people would wait if they knew we were getting in a mac and they wanted one. Something where customers can see product due in.
Remarket web links and prices on social media, always boost as you have been otherwise don’t see you. Images need to be smaller on web. Market everyday wear, the lower price point, highlight when something is from premium range and lower price point. Check emails bouncing as incorrect email address. Go to companies or invite them here for style parties, discount offering. Unlock wi-fi in the shop so people can browse when they are in the shop. Don’t’ care who is on the pictures, as long as you can see the clothes on it doesn’t matter at all who it is all were totally indifferent to who is modelling, it is quite nice that it’s the owner but don’t really look at her just look at the clothes.